Source code for qgisplugin.core.my_code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Date                : October 2020                                 todo: change date, copyright and email in all files
| Copyright           : © 2020 by Ann Crabbé
| Email               :
| Acknowledgements    : Based on 'Create A QGIS Plugin' []
|                       Crabbé Ann and Somers Ben; funded by BELSPO STEREO III (Project LUMOS - SR/01/321)
| This file is part of the [INSERT PLUGIN NAME] plugin and [INSERT PYTHON PACKAGE NAME] python package.
| todo: make sure to fill out your plugin name and python package name here.
| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
| warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (COPYING.txt). If not see
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np

[docs]class MyCode: """ todo: Give a short summary of what this code does here. e.g.: This script is a super simple example of a set of functions: one to multiply an image with a factor, one to add a constant to an entire image and one to set all values below a threshold to 0. This script only contains the mathematical part of your code and should be completely independent of i/o. You start from matrices, integers and other variables, and not from files or widgets! """ def __init__(self, image: np.ndarray, normalize: bool = False, quotient: int = 255): """ todo: describe your variables :param image: e.g. "Input image [n bands x m rows x b bands]" :param normalize: e.g. "Set to true to normalize the image" :param quotient: e.g. "Normalisation quotient for the image. Ignored if variable_2 is set to False """ self.image = image if normalize: self.image = self.image / quotient # variables required for using the algorithm inside a UI self.set_progress = None self.print_log = None
[docs] def add_to_image(self, constant: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Add a constant to an image. :param constant: The constant to add to each pixel of the image. :return: The new image. """ return self.image + constant
[docs] def execute(self, constant: float, threshold: float, set_progress: callable = None, log: callable = print) -> np.ndarray: """ This part is usually the core of your plugin: this function is called when the user clicks "run". Here we don't do anything special: we add a number to an image and then set all values in an image to 0 where they are below a given threshold. :param constant: The constant to add to each pixel of the image. :param threshold: all values below this threshold are set to 0 :param set_progress: communicate progress (refer to the progress bar in case of GUI; otherwise print to console) :param log: communicate messages (refer to the print_log tab in the GUI; otherwise print to the console) :return: the new image """ self.set_progress = set_progress if set_progress else printProgress self.print_log = log if log else print # step 1: add 0.01 to the image self.add_to_image(constant) self.print_log('Added {} to the image'.format(constant)) self.set_progress(30) # step 2: get the indices of all pixels that are below the threshold indices_to_set_to_zero = np.where(self.image < threshold) self.set_progress(60) # step 3: set those pixels to 0 new_image = np.copy(self.image) new_image[indices_to_set_to_zero] = 0 self.set_progress(90) self.print_log('Core processing done.') return new_image
[docs]def printProgress(value: int): """ Replacement for the GUI progress bar """ print('progress: {} %'.format(value))